Sunday, September 13, 2009

Now i pronounce you husband and ............

People throw stones, you turn them into milestones

Sachin Tendulkar

Ever since the landmark verdict by Delhi High court on I have been asked many times – “Adithya, What do you think of gay marriage?” This question was always somewhere round the corner and I prepared myself with two answers – One for the “straight” kind and other for “not so straight” kind. I sincerely do hope, dream and pray for that day will come when I can give only one, and not two answer.

My answer to the straight kind was- “To live with a man or to live with a woman is a personal choice (By the way, being gay isn’t a personal choice as many of us are born “this” way). Many prefer to stay single, some chose to live together with a man or a woman, some may adopt a kid and remain as single father/mother. They need not offer the society an explanation. They have every right and freedom to do so. Its okay if world doesn’t support gay marriage, but let us not watch them with contempt or disdain. Lets not ridicule them for standing up for their rights. Every one has a dream, pursuing those gives them strength, hope and courage. a dream that makes them confident, which gives them something to aspire for, a passion to live for. Since it doesn’t cause any harm to others, I would certainly support gay marriage. Live and let others live.”

Answer to my gay friends was- “I am gay and I am proud of it. Being a gay is much beyond sex. One day will come when the word “gay” cease to be an epitome of libido, beacon of promiscuous, transient relationships. Happiness leaps no bounds when you spend the time with a person whom you love honestly. Gay marriage to me is something so special, something truly magical which words fail to express.”


“I’m in favour of gay marriage. If two people love each other, and they have a real commitment, of course they should be able to get married. It’s so obvious. … With all the things to worry about in the world at the moment, I can’t understand why something as harmless as gay marriage has become the hot issue.”
Ronan Keating, Gay Times, May 2004

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