Wednesday, September 9, 2009


All glory comes from daring to begin.

Eugene F. Ware

It is customary for a blog to begin with introducing oneself, even amidst this clandestine circle which indeed is a big irony. “About me”- I always and invariably struggled to put across myself “in words” before others and quite often I used famous quotations to confront that situation.

I am Adithya who hails from a small town in south India. Let me begin in chronological order. He grew up as a son to wonderful parents and soon became an elder brother too. Life was so merry and playful then. Books and School consumed his days. While growing up he released that unlike most (if not all) of his friends he had no feelings towards the opposite sex. He couldn’t quite figure out the reason but neither did try to contemplate over the issue. He loved to watch his male friends play. The term “gay” was unfamiliar to him until one day his English Teacher taught him “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth. She read aloud
“A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company”.
She said the word gay means happy. He said to himself “I am gay, I am happy”. He didnt realize then, the ramifications innocent words. Thirteen years since, even today he says the same, with an added line. “I am gay, I am proud and I am happy”.

Gallant men, Chivalrous youth and Hunks, I present before thee “closeted memoirs”, my humble venture.

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