1. My name is Adithya. Most of them call me “Adi”.
2. I love names begining with “A”.
3. Simply complex and Complexly simple. Thats me in one line.
4. A typical cancerian.
5. A morning person. Sign in at 5.00 am and Sign out at 10.30 pm. Tell me how is it like 2.00 am? How dark is it?
6. By default, my breakfast consists of six idlis.
7. In school, I was known as the most silent, innocent guy with a cute smile and a very good student.
8. Never had a best friend in school or college.
9. In school, everyone admired my handwriting.Everyone made me to write on the board in school and college.
10. My first girl crush(when i was eight) was a German blonde, Steffi Graf. I still love her.
11. At 10, Rajiv Gandhi was found handsome and smart. Now, for me, his son Rahul Gandhi, is hot and cute.
12. Love watching cricket. (Have been following for the past 22 years).
13. A creature of habit. Any diversion from normal, makes me bit uncomfortable.
14. Afraid of injections. Cant remember when was the last prick.
15. For me, Demi Moore is THE hottest actress. If you dont believe me watch, GHOST and INDECENT PROPOSAL.
16. Love to cook, for someone else, lazy in washing dishes.
17. A teetotaller.
18. Totally cluelss why girls needs a company to go to rest room, to have food etc.
19. A sucker for chocolates and icecreams
20. Have a plan B for everything, dont have a plan A though.
21. I reply to every mail, sms and scraps I receive.
22. Love talking to people above sixty and kids below ten. Those are the people whom no one talks or listens.
23. Have my will stored in my mobile drafts.
24. When I was a kid Cock meant a rooster, ass meant a donkey, rubber meant eraser, pussy meant a cat. Now it aint.
25. Never had a roommate in the past seven years of college/career. How is it like have a roomie?
26. Love philanthropy.
27. Financially independent from age 18.
28. Can eat copious amount of food. Believe me, its true.
30. Above line is intentionally left blank. Ask me why?
31. Love babies, not babes. :p
32. Used to baby sit for my neighbours kid. Loved it.
33. Never learnt swimming for fear of exposing my hairy body infront of others.
34. My favorite super hero is Superman.
35. Love Calvin(Calvin and Hobbes), Dr. Sheldon Cooper ( The Big Bang Theory).
36. Love writing exams.
37. Love to teach. Incredibly student friendly teacher, according to my colleagues.
38. Dont like being called “Sir”.
39. So bad when it comes to bikes and cars. The only cars that I can identify is Maruthi 800 and Ambassador, honestly.
40. I remember kissing my friend on lips, my first kiss. I was in UKG and he was in LKG.
41. Was a naughty brat when I was a kid.My relatives and neighbours still quote my naughty incidents whenever i visit them. That makes me blush
42. Not open to any of straight friends. Still in a closet.
43. While in school, I was crazy for three C’s –Cricket, Chicken and Chemistry.
44. Love English Literature, especially poems. Emily Dickinson is my favorite.
45. Can recite english poems, my all time favorite is “ The Daffodils”.
46. My forwarded messages dont contain Subject “Fwd.” Or my replies generally wont contain “Re.”
47. Love walking in the rain.
48. In WWE, I love the dead man, THE UNDERTAKER.
49. People also say I have photographic memory (Especially birthdays). Well, true I can tell you almost all the birthdays of my mobile contacts right now.
50. None remember my bday or no one cares.
51. The only person whom I miss every moment is my Mum.
52. Messy but not dirty.
53. Can speak, read and write four languages. English, Malayalam, Hindi and Tamil. Currently learning German.
54. Love people talking in British accent.
55. Would like to write a book someday and hope that will be a best seller. :p
56. Dont know how to whistle.
57. Can wink using the left eye only.
58. Love colors, still buy sketch pen and crayons. Yes, I do.
59. My all time favorite movie is GHOST.
60. Like to dance, but I'm terrible at it.
61. Know the calories of every food I intake.
62. Love to jog in the early mornings, love to work out and sweat.
63. I have great patience for telemarketer calls. I listen to every line they say. Then say No in the most polite manner. Hmmm, its tough.
64. Have two teddy bears- Bunty and Bublee.
65. Have PhD degree, Never liked to keep prefix Dr.
66. Always wanted to work for NASA. I know it will always be a dream. Planning to write a project proposal to get a rejection letter so that I can laminate and frame.
67. I never say “It stinks”, thats what happens when you spend years in chemistry lab.
68. Supporter of Linux and a fan of Windows.
69. If I were to die tomorrow.....I'd have no regrets on anything I've done..I only wish that I could have done more.
70. Die hard romantic person.
71. I find rudeness irritating and difficult to understand.
72. I still get a lump in my throat when I hear the INDIAN National Anthem, Jana Gana Mana.
73. I love to travel by train than by air. I hate to air hostess with heavy make up and a fake smile. Where are the flight stewards?? Are there any gay friendly flights??
74. Study lengthy quotes to impress people and mess it up when i try to quote that.
75. Love to walk barefoot on a beach.
76. Its not easy to find me online for a chat.
77. I reply to every sms I receive in minutes.
78. Its so hard and so easy to impress me. Be nice and sweet, talk with your heart. I am impressed.
79. I have inflated ego.
80. I sleep nude. My worst nightmare is that one day I may open my room door half asleep.
81. A firm believer in God, but I dont believe in many religious rituals.
82. My blood group is O negative.
83. Can do difficult yoga poses with ease due to training obtained when i was a kid.
84. Love the smell of rain.
85. Never liked when books are made into movies. Only exception is “Love Story”.
86. Was afraid to sleep on the night I saw “The Shining”. I was really scared.
87. My favorite villan is Dr. Hannibal Lecter from “The silence of the lambs”. Well, AFI agrees with me too, He is rated as the best villan of all time. Love Joker from Dark Knight too.
88. Dont know how to play cards, even on PC. I was taught many times by various friends how to play solitare and Freecall. Well, its so complicated. Still dont know.
89. I learn tough things fast, easy things slow.
90. I treat trivial things seriously and serious things trivially.
91. Wanna learn Salsa and Kick boxing. Strange combination, I know, That’s me!!
92. A jack of many trades. Master in none.
93. Have seen all the 236 episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. atleast three times. Pheobe Buffey is my favorite character.
94. I dont rate John Abraham or Hrithik Roshan sexy.
95. Love phonetics.I love those words which are pronounced not the way it’s written. My favourite ones are Memoirs ( read Memwa, French, thats a part of my blog name), Rendezvous( read Rondavoo, French).Tell me how tortoise is pronounced? :p
96. Have DID (Dispersive Identity Disorder),Spoonerism.
97. Talk to myself a lot.
98. I wanna change my accent.
99. Size matters for me. Bigger the better. Well, yeh size of the brain and heart, not the “Size” you think.:p
100. Sex for me is not a four letter word. Well, with sex its over!!!! :p I am done.