Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gays are from Mars and Straights are from Venus


Men are of just two kinds- hungry or horny. If he is not hard, cook him food. If he is hard give him something else to cook for(:p). Men, of both kind are loyal as their options. They just need place to have sex, they don't need a reason. Both kind can resist anything except temptation. Unlike women, who can fake orgasm, men(gay and straight) are masters and can fake the whole relationship. A good man is hard to find, whereas a hard man is good to find. Good men( straight and gay) are like parking spots. Good ones are already taken. If the person isn't taken then there is a reason. Men always love their partner when they are about to cum, then turn around and sleep. Love has all the answers but sex brings up some good questions. The more drunk you are the more sexier the adjacent person looks, doesnt matter its a boy or girl.


Straight men play the game. But women keep the score. Gay men play the game and they keep the score too.
Behind any successful straight man there is a surprised woman. Behind any successful gay man, there is another man, he can be either on top of him, or under him. :p
Straight men never win an argument which he has started. Neither will he win an argument which he has started. 100% failure assured. Gay men can win atleast one of the two. 50% success assured.
Safe sex- For a straight men, safe sex is when his wife or girl friend doesn't know about it. For gay men- Safe sex means safe sex literally.
Straight men have to buy expensive gifts to please his girl. Gay men just need place.
Straight men have to please his girls father, mother, brother, sister, cousins, nephew, niece, neighbors and 20 of her close friends or else she will be upset. Gay men has to please only himself.
Straight men are not much worried about their looks. Gay men are.
Straight men ask asl. Gay men ask place.
Straight men has to clean up his room to invite his girlfriend to his place. Gay men dont have to.
Gay men act straight in public, Straight men don't act gay in public.